Five Fun Spring Activities To Do With Children This March
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The change of season brings with it new opportunities for fun outdoor activities, and we have some great March activity ideas to inspire you and your little one to get exploring in the garden and beyond. Here at LittleLife, we love spotting signs of new life and the milder temperatures mean it’s easier to get outside, especially with toddlers and children. We can’t wait to share these crafty and creative ideas with you and don’t forget to share your own ideas and adventures on our Instagram @LittleLifeUK using the tag #littlelifeadventures.
1. Best quick Spring game for little children - 'Eye Spy Spring'
This easy-to-do, and free activity will get your toddler and child spotting the signs of Spring in the great outdoors. A game of eye spy will encourage your child to examine nature more closely whether it's a bird nesting, crocuses and daffodils popping out to say hello, or buds and blossom emerging from the branches of trees. A magnifying glass is a great idea too because it encourages kids to get even closer to nature! Together you can explore and discover Spring through play.
2. Best outdoor game for children who love arts and crafts this Spring - 'A brush with nature'
This is a really fun activity to do with toddlers, preschoolers and older kids that enjoy the outdoors and art because you get to do both! Make a set of nature paint brushes by collecting sticks and lots of interesting pieces of nature such as leaves and evergreens that can be used as the 'brush' part. Attach the 'brush' to the stick by winding it around the stick using strong to secure it if necessary to create a 'paint brush' then simply let your child have fun painting with nature!
3. Best for children that want to attract wildlife into the garden - 'Washing-up wildlife'
Recycle an old washing up bowl to create a mini pond. First decide where you want it, above ground or below, and ensure creatures can access and exit it by making a ramp with rocks and old bricks in and out of the pond. You can use gravel at the bottom (not soil) and ideally fill it with rain water because tap water contains chemicals. Pondweed is great to use because it helps keep the water clear. Now, sit back and wait for your pond to establish and see what arrives!
4. Best messy play game with children this Spring - 'My messy mini garden'
Encourage children to go exploring and discover lots of Spring treasures, like daffodils, catkins, blossom and buds. After collecting your treasures, you can then create a ‘mini garden’. Simply add some soil to a tub and display the Spring finds. Why not add some toy animals and a ‘water hole’ to turn it into a farm or zoo habitat, or perhaps make it into a magical fairy garden - don’t forget to make a wish.
5. Best for windowsill gardening ideas - ‘My carrot top garden’
Try growing carrot tops on the windowsill. It’s super easy and guaranteed to delight in just a matter of days! Using the top stem of leftover carrots that you might usually throw into the compost. Even better carrots with green still attached. When you cut them, leave about a quarter inch of carrot. Simply place them top up in a dish or tub, with a little water, and after a few days, you’ll see green shoots sprouting from the top. This is a great activity that encourages children to look into the way vegetables grow - all this from kitchen scraps. You can do the same with tomatoes seeds, garlic, celery, lettuce, and cabbage - these all sprout easily from leftovers too. Once sprouting, you can transfer them to soil in the garden to create an attractive herbaceous border that you can cut and add to salads or to make pesto.
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