Little Explorers: Festive Puffy Paint
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- Little Explorers

Digging out the Christmas box of decorations is one of the highlights of the year. It’s so sweet to see last year’s festive creations and to realise how much the Little Explorers have developed. Here’s a recipe for sparkly puffy paint which you could use to decorate Christmas cards or bunting!
You will need:-
- Equal amounts of flour, salt, water
- Food colourings
- Piping bags
- Heavy card
This is so easy and strangely satisfying. Ask your Little Explorers to measure out equal amounts of flour, salt and water. Thoroughly whisk these three ingredients into a cake mix or shaving cream consistency. Dollop in a good amount of food colouring to create your desired shades. Your Little Explorers could experiment with mixing colours so you can weave in a little education as you go.
The hardest bit comes next – pouring this mixture into your piping bag! Use a funnel if you have one. You can also use a plastic bag with a bottom corner snipped off instead of a piping bag or bottle. It works well, but it is slightly harder to be precise with the painting.
Aprons are pretty much a must for this activity. Your Little Explorers will love painting with this gloopy mixture, mainly because it is very messy! Heavy card is best because even though the paint is thick, it will soak through thinner papers. The salt gives the paint its volume as it sets.
Leave your creations to dry for a day or so, and you’ll see the salt crystals shimmering in the light. Perfect for Christmas!